Pure-veg KFC in Ayodhya: Will KFC, Subway & Pizza Hut Go All-Veg in Ayodhya?

KFC Goes Veggie in Ayodhya? City's Vegetarian Rule Challenges Fast Food Giants KFC | Find out the challenges & opportunities in this unique food story!

Pure-veg KFC in Ayodhya: Will KFC, Subway & Pizza Hut Go All-Veg in Ayodhya?

As Ayodhya's transformation into a tourism hub gathers pace, food chains seeking entry face a unique challenge: vegetarian-only menus. This stipulation, stemming from the city's holy status, applies even to international giants like KFC.

While KFC already operates near Ayodhya on the Lucknow highway, a presence within the city hinges on adapting its menu. "We're open to welcoming KFC if they offer only vegetarian items," says Vishal Singh, a government official, reflecting the authorities' stance.

This vegetarian requirement isn't new for fast food chains in India. Back in 2013, Subway opened an all-veg outlet in Ahmedabad, even offering Jain options to cater to dietary restrictions. Similarly, Pizza Hut outlets in Ayodhya operate with vegetarian menus.

KFC's potential entry sparks questions: will they embrace a meat-free menu like Subway and Pizza Hut? Can they replicate their signature flavors with purely vegetarian options? If successful, could this set a precedent for other meat-centric chains seeking entry into similar, traditionally vegetarian spaces in India?