Food Delivery Agent In China Jumps Off Bridge To Save Drowning Woman

A food delivery rider in China becomes a hero after risking his life to save a woman from drowning. His selfless act of bravery earns him recognition, rewards, and the admiration of people worldwide.

Food Delivery Agent In China Jumps Off Bridge To Save Drowning Woman

In a remarkable act of bravery, a food delivery rider in China has been hailed as a hero after risking his own life to save a woman from drowning. Peng Qinglin, aged 31, leaped 12 meters off a bridge into the Qiantang River in Hangzhou on June 13, in a courageous attempt to rescue the struggling woman.

Videos capturing the incident surfaced on Chinese social media, depicting the fearless rider climbing over the bridge railings and diving into the water. He swam towards the distressed woman and managed to bring her to safety using a nearby mounted ladder.

Within minutes, authorities, including police and lifeboats, arrived at the scene and completed the successful rescue operation. The woman survived the ordeal and is currently under observation in the hospital.

In an interview with China Blue News, Mr. Qinglin confessed his initial fear of the bridge's height but ultimately made the life-saving decision to jump. He stated, "It was quite high, and my legs were trembling. However, if I didn't jump, she might not have survived. Nothing is more precious than life."

In an interesting twist, when Mr. Qinglin returned to dry land, his immediate concern was the timeliness of his deliveries. Fearing potential fines for delays, he promptly resumed his duties. Fortunately, his company understood the situation and did not hold him accountable for the time lost.

News of the incident quickly spread, garnering viral attention and widespread admiration for Mr. Qinglin's quick thinking and bravery. The Hangzhou police authorities awarded him the prestigious title of "Good Samaritan" and presented him with a cash prize of 30,000 yuan (Rs 3,43,180). Additionally, his company honored him with a cash award of 50,000 yuan (RS 5,71,826) and offered him the opportunity to pursue further studies in college for free.

When asked about his heroic actions, Mr. Qinglin humbly expressed, "I'm just a delivery guy like many others. If I meet someone in danger, I will definitely lend a helping hand."

The woman whose life was saved expressed deep gratitude to Mr. Qinglin. She revealed that she had contemplated drowning herself due to overwhelming life stresses.

While Mr. Qinglin's courageous act earned him recognition and praise, it came at a physical cost. He suffered compression fractures upon hitting the water's surface. Although no surgery was required, doctors advised him to be hospitalized for seven to ten days for observation and recovery.

This heartwarming story serves as a powerful reminder that acts of bravery and compassion can have a profound impact on others' lives. Mr. Qinglin's selfless act not only saved a life